Institute of Business Administration (IBA)
19th – 21st November 2024, Karachi
Pathways to Sustainable Development: Navigating Population Growth, Poverty, Productivity, and Climate Change
Since its inception, Population Association of Pakistan (PAP) maintains a history and mandate to emphasize the crucial relationship between population and social development. As PAP navigates the third decade of its journey in an ever changing and evolving world, we pledge to continue and foster this mandate. Toward that end, PAP has, to date, convened 24 Annual Population Research Conferences (APRCs) covering a range of topics related to population and human development, demographic transition, and policy directions to meet the challenges of a rapidly growing population.
The PAP Annual Population Research Conferences have been successful in engaging researchers and academics, policy makers, politicians, religious leaders, private sector stakeholders, media, civil society and development partners through their participation and contribution in technical sessions,
lectures and panel discussions held during these conferences. The PAP and its members continuously strive to look beyond demographic indicators and aim to influence Pakistan policy and practice through good quality research on key population challenges and issues to ensure that decisions are fully informed, respond to ground realities, and driven by evidence. Moreover, the PAP provides a platform that offers an opportunity to bridge the various social science disciplines including economics, public and social policy, statistics, demography, public health, sociology, geography, and anthropology to deliberate upon solutions for pressing population and development related issues of Pakistan in this changing world. We aim to uphold the significant linkages between population and social development during the 25th APRC and advance thought leadership in population that responds to the national context and emerging population needs and imperatives.